Yossi Green

Yossi Green (born in Tel Aviv, Israel) is a composer of Jewish music. His works include some major hits of the Jewish industry.[1] He wrote his first international hit song for Yigal Calek and the London School of Jewish Song in 1973.

He has composed over 600 songs on over 120 CDs. Most of his lyrics are drawn from primary Jewish texts (Torah, Midrash & Talmud) while some are drawn from other Jewish source (biographies of famous Rabbis, such as Ramban).

Singers that he has composed for include Avraham Fried, Dedi, Mordechai Ben David, & Yaakov Shwekey. Green's major hits include Kol Bera'ama, Tanya, Aderaba, Daagah Minayin, Didoh Bei, Shomati, Ve'erastich & Anovim Anovim.

His solo album, The 8th Note, was awarded "Best Album of 2008,″ "Best Debut Album of 2008″ from Israel's Radio Kol Chai and had two songs on Kol Chai's top 10 songlist of 2008.[2] The album was also chosen by British Airways to feature as a world music selection from February 2011 until June 2011 through Feld Music Productions.[3]

Green lives in Sea Gate, N.Y., with his wife Brigitte and children.

External links


  1. ^ http://clevelandjewishradio.tripod.com/green.html
  2. ^ http://www.93fm.co.il/show_item.asp?itemId=2452&levelId=62511&itemType=0
  3. ^ Eller, Sandy (November 11, 2010). "Sea Gate, NY - VIN Exclusive: Yossi Green’s 8th Note Takes To The Skies". vos Iz Neias. http://www.vosizneias.com/68501/2010/11/11/sea-gate-ny-vin-exclusive-yossi-green%E2%80%99s-8th-note-takes-to-the-skies. Retrieved 24 February 2011.